Heads Up Checkup is a cloud-based digitally delivered screening tool that effectively supports educational institutions in quickly identifying mental health issues and students at risk of self-harm or harm to others.
Student Mental Health
School Safety 2015-2016
11% of elementary public school teachers and 9% of secondary public school teachers reported being threatened with injury by a student.
9% of elementary public school teachers and 2% of secondary public school teachers reported being physically attacked by a student.
1,600 reported firearm possession incidents at schools in the United States, and the rate of firearm possession incidents was 3 per 100,000 students.
69 percent of schools recorded one or more violent incidents of crime, 15 percent recorded one or more serious violent incidents.
Source: Indicators of School Crime and Safety: 2017. (2018) National Center for Education Statistics. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, U.S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE OFFICE OF JUSTICE PROGRAMS.
Available in Multiple Versions Tailored to Age Groups
Parent Observation or Self-Report. English or Spanish.
Student Comments About Heads Up Checkup
“I thought this was very easy to take, it went really fast, it was shorter than I thought it would be, I liked it.”
“I think taking this was great, it helps you discover what’s inside you and helps you to go deeper. Helps to you to begin to solve your problems yourself.”
“I am glad to talk to somebody about my problems. However, I usually don’t talk to others because I thought it was selfish to talk about my problems. So I just keep it to myself.”
“I like getting out all of my feelings to someone who understands. I feel like this helps so I can talk about it.”
“I am so glad you called me in today. I had been meaning to talk to you this whole school year but when I came by you (school counselor) were always busy. I am really glad we can talk today.”